

Chicken eggs are toxic for humans in the manner of all animal products.
First, they are made up of animal protein, saturated fat, and cholesterol,
all three of which clog arteries, acidify blood and tissues, impair
the immune system, and stress the body in a variety of ways. Eggs, in fact, are the most concentrated packets of cholesterol available in supermarkets. Second, eggs concentrate noxious pesticide, chemical, hormonal, and bacterial residue. Third, eating eggs is eating the vibrations of misery.

The Myth of Human Predation

The first response to this objection is to questionits basic validity.The fact that we’ve been doing something along time hardly makes it right or appropriate. The same defense of human slavery was used here in the nineteenth century.War, genocide,murder, rape, and human exploitation have been going on a longtime as well, but we would never dare to use their longevity to justify them.
The second response to this objection is to question its veracity.What is a “long time”? The ten thousand years we’ve been herding and co modifying animals and the twenty to sixty thousand years we’vebeen hunting large animals. These are very short compared to the three hundred thousand years homo sapiens has been here and the seven to tenmillion years that hominids have been here. Our closest living relatives,supposedly sharing ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of our DNA, are gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees. The powerful and gentle gorillaseat a totally plant-based diet, as do bonobos, and chimpanzees eat a primarilyplant-based diet. Our own ancient forebears were probably similar,given our physiology, and according to fossil evidence of such earlyhumans as Australopithecus, plant foods made up virtually all of their diet.
The problem has been that our culture has fostered its own “manthe predator” mythology, based on and justifying our eating of animals,propagating the erroneous notion that, as Swiss zoologist C. Guggisbergwrote in 1970, “man has been a predator and ruthless killer for as long as he has existed.” !!!!!!!!Yak!!!!!!!!!

taken fm some book

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