
World Wide Web
Everything in the universe is connected. We know each one of us through six hops . Internet is one of the powerful medium provided by science . The list of profits of this International Networking is inexhaustive , however here I conclude some of the uses I seek :-
www.yahoo.com No. 1 in outstanding services like E-mail, live chatting with video ( yahoo messenger),
maps, yellow pages, online gaming, news, finance, sports, much more….

www.google.com Best search engine ever on the web for finding almost everything. It is said that only God
can answer those questions which can’t be answered by google .
Gmail – fastest and has very useful new features like chatting etc.
Gtalk - For free instant and reliable calls to other gmail users.
Images search , Country wise search , books search , ( all books are not completely
provided) , translational tool ( doesn’t work much prettier)
video search , Google earth – to look from up above .
Google maps – to know the path u need to follow.

www.utorrent.com Bestest and Tiniest software for downloading movies, books , softwares , pictures,
videos, music , cartoons , miscellaneous, etc
( u need to download the software from utorrent.com ( it’s free) and install it.
After it search the google with the thing u like to have wuth torrent as suffix
e.g. rang de basanti torrent. Downloading the torrent and wait until it completes
downloading . Caution:- Don’t do it if ur connection has limited downloading plan .
best torrent website – www.h33t.com , www.mininova.com , www.demonoid.com

www.wikipedia.org One stop for every query . Biggest encyclopedia ever compiled. Free. Safe. Easy

www.search.com Meta search engine which employs over 1000 search engines to find exactly u have been
looking for.

www.download.cnet.com Contains all free softwares and trials of paid ones. Best place for software geeks.

www.imdb.com Contains biggest Internet movie data base , so that u can discover all the movies of ur fav
stars and watch the reviews .

www.espn.com Whether u love the sports or sports person this is the website.

www.nature.com www.sciam.com For all geeks , bookworms and nerds. Enjoy .

www.medlineplus.gov National Institute For Health tells u about the authentic information about your
prescription. (Doctors have to be intelligent these days)

www.alexa.com To find the most popular websites for u .

www.ipl.org Internet public library

www.iht.com International Herald Tribune – World’s best newspapers
www.blogspot.com To create your own website ( like) where u can express urself to world through
articles , pics, videos etc . best way to spread urself . Visit mine to find more intresting stuff

www.facebook.com www.orkut.com
Powerful social networking sites showing the power of one click .
To connect with all ur pals at the same time . best fast and Free.

www.skype.com Free video conferencing on internet.

www.youtube.com Only website with no original data .
Biggest video search engine to find all the stuff u want to watch . U can also upload
ur own video . It works like a habit forming drug .

www.irctc.com To reserve ur train ticket or to check waiting status.

www.scribd.com www.pdfgeni.com
To search pdf and word document. Believe me it’s the best way to find the documents,
Essays , articles , projects, information etc .

www.160by2.com To send free sms to any mobile network throughout india . Fast and easy way to reach
instantaneously to all ur fds in one go.

To learn computer stuff easily and freely e.g html , c++ etc

www.himachal.us To know latest about Dev Bhumi.

www.pubmed.com Latest and accurate data of all medicinal plants. Also check www.medicinalplant.in
www.homeremedy.in www.villageherbs.com

www.ayurvednews.com to get latest news on ayurveda.


www.zoom.in www.shotindia.com
If u r gd at shooting through lens then this is the place fr u . U may also earn by uploading
Ur genuine pics.

www.thechive.com www.thebizzare.com www.chilloutpoint.com www.listverse.com www.indiafm.com www.santabanta.com
Simply time pass on net.

To know the weather forcasting of ur place.

   for great studying stuff for studious.  


www.123greeting.com To send paper free greetings to ur loved ones.
www.archive.org one million digital books free to download
(great site)

Apart from this u can do online shopping and e banking ( to check and transfer funds from ur bank account to other , fast and easy ) with ur bank official websites.

There are some useful softwares I would like to share :-
1. U tube downloader – to download ur fav videos from u tube.
2. Total video converter – to convert ur video format
3. Image converter plus – to convert ur large size pics into small size without effecting quality
To get them easily uploaded to facebook, orkut, etc
4. Opera – to surf net easily and fastly and intelligently.
5. Avira- free and effective antivirus on internet .
6. Camtasia studio 7 – small tool to record ur pc screen.
7. Daemon tools lite – to create virtual drive to run all the image or compressed files
8. Pdf to word converter – to convert ur pdf files to word so that u can edit them.
9. X-padder – For all the games which don’t support joystick. It gives the functions of keyboard to joystick.
10. Auto pro- to create dvd menu .

Click me for more stuff especially if u r a batman fan. www.kamalksharma.blogspot.com
Hope all this adds something to you . keep smiling .

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