

Global  mean ‘around the globe’and warming means ‘increasing temperature’ thus  global warming  is increase in the average temperature of earth. The main atmospheric gases contributing to it are carbon dioxide,water vapour,nitrous oxide etc .These  gases  are collectively called as green house gases  and they heat up our planet to maintain the average temperature of 14 0C. Thus sustaining the life of the planet and this effect is called as green house effect.

                                  However in past 50 years, due to, industrial revolution, population increase, changing life style and increasing energy demands has led to a, significant increase in the concentration of these gases, thus raising the average temperature of earth by 0.69 0C. This temperature increase may seems very tiny but already has taken many lives and is continuing.

                                 Subsequently year after year is getting hotter and hotter and so far June 2010 is warmest ever recorded in history.

                                However some people are skeptic about the involvement of human activities behind the global warming but I can’t understand, why they can’t understand the simple physics phenomenon of more absorption and remission of infrared radiation by increased green house gases! May be they are self centered  too much.

                   The data from ice cores and by studying EL-Nino and AL-Nino effect one get cleared picture of ‘what’ and ‘why’ global warming.

                                                            Noble prize winner R.K Pichouri (Indian) is the present chairman of IPCC ( International Panel on Climate Change). It has already given many ultimatums and warnings to the world leaders in its four assessment reports and two famous protocol, i.e. Kyoto protocol in 1991 and  Copenhagen climate summit in December last year, where the U.S president Barak Obama himself cleared that  “DELAY IS NO LONGER AN OPTION”. However all these talks and summits have led to nothing more than verbal fights. Developing nations put the blame on the developed countries for their rich lifestyle. Developed countries sue the developing nations for its high industrial emissions.

                                                            More disease, more natural disasters, polar ice melting,  wildlife destruction, sea level rising. It is surely not the time to wait or fight. It’s time to action the solutions like using energy efficient devices like CFL tubes, planting trees, using public transport, using 3 R’s Reducing, Reusing, Recycling the waste, energy saving techniques like solar cookers, solar lights and solar geysers, becoming vegetarian and most important spreading this awareness of global warming for a global cause.




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